I’m not the first person to ask this question, but I don’t know that anyone has ever answered it definitively. Do women look better with makeup or without? And if they do, what kind of makeup should they use? There are two schools of thought on this topic: those who say that a woman looks best when she is a natural and those who believe that you need to put your best face forward (literally). I think both sides have valid points. Here are my thoughts on the matter.

I think that "less is more" when it comes to makeup. A good beauty regime should include some type of facial cleanser, moisturizer, and a light foundation at most. I’d also advise against powdering your face too heavily since this tends to make you look older than you actually are (unless of course, you happen to be in the entertainment business!). I would recommend blush for anyone who struggles with rosacea or redness around her nose; however, don’t go overboard here either! And if skin problems like these aren’t an issue for you but eyeshadow makes them worse than skip it altogether- there is no need to pile on color unless it looks great without doing so.
Less is more when it comes to beauty regimes
We’ve all heard the question: Do women look better with makeup or without? And if they do, what kind of makeup should they use? There are two schools of thought on this topic: those who say that a woman looks best when she is a natural and those who believe that you need to put your best face forward (literally). I think both sides have valid points. Here are my thoughts on the matter.
Preserving your natural beauty
Women are always faced with the choice of how to best present themselves. When it comes to makeup, do you go au natural or put your best face forward? Some argue that women look better without any cosmetics at all, while others say they need their full arsenal in order to be taken seriously in the workplace and society. There are many opinions on this question. I think that less is more when it comes to makeup, so my suggestion would be for a woman to stick with some type of facial cleanser, moisturizer, and light foundation at most. Blush can help if you suffer from rosacea or redness around the nose but only use eyeshadow sparingly- there's no need to pile on color unless it looks great! As always though, each person has their own opinion about what they feel makes them look best which means we'll never have a definitive answer. What do you think? Do women look better with makeup or without?
Preserving your natural beauty
Women are always faced with the choice of how to best present themselves. When it comes to makeup, do you go au natural or put your best face forward? Some argue that women look better without any cosmetics at all, while others say they need their full arsenal in order to be taken seriously in the workplace and society. There are many opinions on this question. I think that less is more when it comes to makeup, so my suggestion would be for a woman to stick with some type of facial cleanser, moisturizer, and light foundation at most. Blush can help if you suffer from rosacea or redness around the nose but only use eyeshadow sparingly- there's no need to pile on color unless it looks great! As always though, each person has their own opinion about what they feel makes them look best which means we'll never have a definitive answer. What do you think? Do women look better with makeup or without?